Our ASL Strategy is made up of four main parts, which come from a Scottish Government Action Plan. Each part has an action plan of things we will do to improve the support we provide to children and young people with Additional Support Needs (ASN).
Children and Young People’s Engagement, Participation and Rights
We will make sure we ask children and young people with ASN about what they think about their education and things that matter to them. We will listen to what they have to say and act on what they tell us, when we can. Children and young people have many more rights under the UNCRC legislation, so it is important we follow this.
Parent and Carer's Engagement, Participation and Rights
We will create opportunities for families with children with ASN to get together, share their views and listen to what they have to tell us. Whenever we can, we will act on this.
Teacher and Practitioner Professionalism
We will make sure our staff get the training they need, so that they know how best to support children and young people with ASN.
Leadership and Improvement
We will work to make sure the systems and support we have in place, help schools and ELCs meet the needs of our children and young people with ASN. We will improve how we work with our partners and build on supports for families.
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Additional Support for Learning Strategy 2024-2027 (in PDF format) - Download 7014.pdf