30 Graded Walks Within 30 Miles Of Clackmannanshire (Jul 10 2012 13:53) These walks were originally published in booklet format by the Clackmannanshire Ramblers in booklet format in 2006 and 2009. Instead of printing another edition the walks have been made freely available for download.
A Guide to Coordinated Support Plans (Nov 20 2017 15:02) A CSP is a legal document. It aims to co-ordinate the support that a child
or young person receives from different services.
Adult Support and Protection leaflets (Nov 28 2017 9:09) Guidance for adults who require
support and protection should they suffer any kind of harm, whether that be physical, psychological, sexual, financial harm or neglect.
Biodiversity Walks (Jun 24 2015 8:43) Various walks throughout Clackmannanshire
Business Continuity in the Community (Jan 24 2006 15:10) A guide to business continuity planning for local businesses describing basic information required to prepare for and recover from an incident and/or disruption.
Council Tax booklet (Mar 12 2019 8:48) Information about how your council tax.
DB/18/05 (Apr 22 2008 9:56) Dangerous building notification
DIAGEO Safety Advice for the Community (Feb 9 2006 10:57) Public information leaflets providing advice and information on their "Public Warning Siren" system at each of their sites in Clackmannanshire
Garden Aid Service (Nov 26 2013 16:27) This service is provided for tenants who are elderly or disabled, who do not have any able bodied person living with them who could tend to the garden. The contract will run from April to September.
Interested in adoption? Information pack (Dec 12 2005 15:51) Adoption is all about giving a loving home to a child who otherwise cannot have such a home for various reasons. This leaflet explains how to find out more.
List of Private Deposits (May 3 2017 15:57) List of private deposit material that is currently available for reference.
Living Alloa Project (Nov 19 2019 15:22) Partnership project using the redevelopment of a vacant town centre site to create an
intergenerational living environment within the heart of Alloa and act as a catalyst for regeneration.
Planning Application Fee Scale (Dec 7 2011 16:47) A list of the fee scales for planning and similar applications valid from 1 April 2022.
Preventing Cross Contamination in your food business leaflet (Jun 7 2013 14:49) This guidance leaflet is based upon the text of the latest version of the Food Standards Agency�s CookSafe manual and has been produced by Clackmannanshire Council to inform Food Business Operators (FBOs) of
the ways in which they can help to keep
School handbooks (Aug 25 2017 13:44) Information about individual schools
Scottish Housing Regulator National Panel information flyer (Mar 27 2013 17:00) We�re setting up a National Panel as one important way for us to hear about your priorities and the services you receive. We will use your feedback to help make sure we're focusing on the important things.
Telecare Mobile Emergency Care Service - service user information (Apr 28 2009 12:26) MECS is a mobile care service based within Ludgate Resource Centre. A staff member is on call 24 hours a day to provide care and support within your own home when it is required.