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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Sunnyside Primary School

Sunnyside Primary School


Erskine Street
FK10 2AT

Contact Information

Visit website
Tel: 01259 452319


Head of Establishment: Lynne Goodwin
Current roll: 304

Sunnyside Primary opened in 1894 and until 1998 was housed in the original sandstone building. The school then moved to the present new accommodation comprising classrooms, library, and games/assembly hall.

Sunnyside Early Learning and Childcare Centre, a 40/24 place Centre, is housed in the old building and provides a safe, stimulating and attractive learning environment for 2, 3 and 4 year old children.

The top floor of the old building has two bright, attractive general purpose classrooms, a large resource room, office space and a meeting room.

Sunnyside Primary offers After School Clubs which support and extend pupils' learning and also offers many extra-curricular opportunities to pupils in arts and sporting activities.

The school has an active Parent Council who work hard on behalf of the school.

We maintain good links with the community.

Sunnyside's School Handbook is available to view or download via our website.

Pupil Groups

Sunnyside has active pupil groups – Pupil Council, Eco Committee, Prefects, Junior Road Safety Officers, WoW monitors, Dyslexia Group, Digital Monitors and Sports Committee who support the decision-making within the school. 

We also have four Houses to which pupils and staff belong – Ben Cleuch, Ochil, Dumyat and Inglewood.

Children meet monthly to work together to make our school even better.

School Vision

Staff, pupils and parents worked together to develop our school vision and the values that we will follow:

At Sunnyside Primary School, we believe in inclusion and equity for all. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn, to try new things, to make mistakes, to be able to learn from them and to be successful.

We should try to keep healthy and fit. We have the right to feel safe at school and should be able to ask for help and know that we will receive it. Bullying, of any kind, is not allowed and is not in keeping with our values.  We should be respectful to each other and understand that everyone’s opinions should be heard.  We are proud of our school and community.

Our Core Values

  • Respect
  • Inclusion
  • Effort
  • Resilience
  • Integrity
  • and fun!

School Aims

  • To create a welcoming, happy and caring learning environment where everyone in our school community is valued and actively encouraged to contribute to the life of the school.
  • To offer a curriculum which provides children with active, enjoyable and challenging learning experiences to enable them to become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
  • To provide effective learning and teaching which meets children's needs, supports them to achieve their full potential and promotes lifelong learning.
  • To work in partnership with parents, outside agencies and the wider community to support children's learning and promote equality and fairness.
  • To promote active and healthy lifestyles.

Pupil Equity Fund Plan

Our Pupil Equity Fund priorities continue to be to:

  • Ensure consistency in high quality learning and teaching with a particular focus upon monitoring, supporting and challenging teachers in their practice across the whole school, especially regarding pace and challenge in literacy and numeracy for those children in SIMD 1 & 2.
  • Enhance Parental Engagement and to develop family learning programmes and to improve attendance, late-coming and exclusion statistics.
  • You can view the up-to-date document via this link: Pupil Equity Fund Plan 2017-18.


Mrs Denise Penman, Headteacher, welcomes enquiries from prospective parents. She is always pleased to arrange for visitors to be shown around the school and have opportunity to discuss the work of the school.

School Term dates