Redwell Primary School opened to pupils on 21st August 2014. It is one of four schools serving the town of Alloa and was built to replace Claremont and St John's Primary Schools.
The school has 16 classes, 2 other rooms for teaching, a learning resource area, an assembly hall, a dining hall, two gym halls, an Early Learning and Childcare Centre, as well as admin, storage and staff areas.
The school's pitch and changing rooms are available to the local community outwith school hours.
Redwell has a 70/70 place ELC Centre providing a safe, stimulating and attractive learning environment for 3 and 4 year old children.
Our breakfast club is open from 8.30 am.
Kidzone out of school care can provide 45 places for children whose parents require this service.
We have images showing how construction progressed on our flickr page.