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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Lochies School

Lochies School


Gartmorn Road
FK10 3PB

Contact Information

Visit website
Tel: 01259 452312


Head of Establishment: Donna Wheater
Current roll: 36

Photograph - Lochies SchoolLochies is a school for primary aged children with profound, multiple, severe and complex additional support needs who require a significant level of additional support to access learning.

Learners are allocated to Lochies School via an authority multi-agency group.

In Lochies, learners benefit from a range of additional supports including small group and 1:1 teaching, a range of health care support programmes, enhanced sensory learning environment including a sensory room, soft play and accessible teaching spaces supported by ceiling hoists. All classrooms are fitted with touchscreen boards.

The school is an accredited Gold Award level Communication Environment, and is an accredited Makaton Friendly School.

Learners at Lochies experience an individualised curriculum which is designed to meet their unique and often fluctuating needs. The school draws upon Curriculum for Excellence and Milestones to Support Learners with Complex Needs to inform their learning pathways.

The school works in close collaboration with a multi-disciplinary team including, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Music Therapist and Physiotherapist. Therapists work part-time in the school supporting pupils, staff and families with programmes of work linked to learners Individual Education Plans (IEPs).

Support for some learners may also detailed in a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP).

Lochies work closely with families on all aspects of their child’s progress. An IEP, sometimes also called a Child's Plan, is one way the school consults, sets and shares learners’ next steps and details how they will be supported to achieve their goals. The IEP format helps the team around learners to measure and record individual progress through goal setting.

A CSP gives particular detail around the support provided for learners from other agencies including Health and Social Care.

IEPs and CSPs also provide information for agencies involved in supporting learners and families on current educational additional support needs.

School Term dates