Published on:
September 2023
Sports clubs across Clackmannanshire will soon be better off thanks to a new policy agreed by Council today.
At a meeting of the Council it was agreed to introduce 100% Non Domestic Rates (NDR) relief to qualifying community amateur sports clubs.
At the moment qualifying clubs – those with premises with a rateable value of over £12,000 – are only entitled to 80% NDR.
The increase to 100%, aligns us with our Forth Valley neighbours in Stirling and Falkirk and will help a number of bowling, golf and rugby clubs.
It is hoped this new policy will assist these clubs, who may have been negatively impacted by changes to the Small Business Bonus scheme.
Funding the policy will cost the Council £5,123 this year, which includes back payment to November 2022.
Councillor Scott Harrison, spokesperson for sports, leisure and active living, said: “I am delighted Council has agreed to this new policy which will benefit a number of clubs in our area.
“Amateur sport clubs are a key part of our communities, offering so much more than sporting activity, and it is only right we try to support their work in any way we can.
“They are places where people can improve their fitness and enjoy either taking part in sport or spectating, but they are also hubs where people can meet up with friends during sporting activities or at social occasions which is so important to mental health and wellbeing.
“Officers will now be getting in touch with the clubs involved to help them through this policy change and to support them to continue to provide activities which enhance health and wellbeing in line with the Council’s Sport and Active Living Framework.”