Published on:
September 2023
Coalsnaughton Early Learning and Childcare Centre is celebrating after receiving a glowing report from the Care Inspectorate.
The early years facility, which is located in Coalsnaughton Primary, was visited by an inspector from the Care Inspectorate on 29 August.
The inspector evaluated four key areas at Coalsnaughton ELC as ‘very good’ which is the second highest standard on the Care Inspectorate six-point scale.
These were:
The key messages from the unannounced inspection were:
The report stated that there were ‘significant strengths’ in the four key areas they measured at Coalsnaughton.
The report also said children benefited from a highly skilled staff team who worked very well together and had created a welcoming, nurturing, and inclusive environment.
Children had a daily routine that was calm, organised and respected their needs and choices.
Children were purposeful and engaged in play, exploring play spaces both indoors and outdoors.
Planning approaches were child-centred with children being actively involved in planning and leading their own learning.
Literacy and numeracy development was embedded in the play experiences.
Staff had clear roles and responsibilities and communication was a key strength.
Staff told us they felt valued and supported by management and the wider team.
Education spokesperson, Councillor Graham Lindsay said: “This is hugely encouraging report which, once again, demonstrates the high quality early learning and childcare that is provided in Clackmannanshire.
“I am delighted to read how the report praises the wonderful staff for their commitment to the children. Staff are clearly focused on delivering a top quality service for our youngest learners and their families.
“I’d like congratulate everyone involved at Coalsnaughton on this amazing report. You are clearly dedicated to making sure the children in your care get the very best start in life.”