Published on:
August 2023
Clackmannanshire's Family Wellbeing Partnership has just received a further £500,000 in funding to continue with its work making a positive difference to families.
The cash has come from the Scottish Government and the Hunter Foundation, who already fund the Partnership.
It is proposed that some of the money will fund a learning partner to work alongside the Partnership to capture and share the learning of the transformation.
The Partnership’s approach has been so successful, that it is already being shared across the country, leading the way in reforming how public services are designed and delivered to communities.
Council leader Ellen Forson said: “The Family Wellbeing Partnership is a way of working that recognises that the best solutions to some of the challenges that our communities face, including child poverty, come from within communities themselves.
“Work must continue with our residents in their own communities, after all, no-one knows their areas better than the people who live and work there.
“We must continue to give these groups a voice, and a chance to make a real difference to their communities and Clackmannanshire as a whole.”
The Family Wellbeing Partnership works with third sector organisations and community groups, to reshape the services that people want and need and taking a more joined up approach. The focus is on services that are designed for people, making a difference to their lives and making it simpler to access services and supports.
One example is the Child Wellbeing Partnership, which is already providing hot food and wrap around childcare to over 100 children in Alloa South East throughout the school year and holiday periods.
Clackmannanshire is only one of four authorities in Scotland who are developing a model which is child and family centred, and is much more than just childcare, it is about the whole wellbeing of the child and the family.
Families who are using this service are being signposted to other services which can help them, with some already moving into employment or volunteering, and reporting positive changes in their lives.
Working alongside the other key work streams of The Promise, Violence Against Women and Girls, the Local Employability Partnership, Education and Tackling Poverty, the Partnership is showing how by collaborating and working differently, you achieve better results all round.