Published on:
June 2023
The Clackmannanshire Alliance is currently engaging with communities to help shape the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan for the area (LOIP).
The LOIP is a ten-year plan which aims to ensure inequalities in the area are reduced and Clackmannanshire is a place where all people can prosper.
The Alliance has set out seven draft wellbeing priorities and now it is over to the residents of Clackmannanshire to have their say.
These seven wellbeing priorities are:
The Council wants to hear your views on these priorities via an online survey which will remain live until 19 August.
Clackmannanshire Alliance are partners who are working together to develop the plan and include Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Forth Valley, Scottish Enterprise, University of Stirling, Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface and Clackmannanshire Council.
The Alliance has worked with the Scottish Government on plans to develop a wellbeing economy for Clackmannanshire, and through this work initial priorities and key areas for action have been identified.
These key areas for action are:
Chair of the Alliance, Councillor Ellen Forson, said: “Engaging with groups and the wider public in Clackmannanshire on the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan will ensure the final document will reflects local needs and aspirations.
“The LOIP is a great example of partnership working and this approach with our partners will help to ensure Clackmannanshire is a place where all our people can prosper, no matter their social circumstances.”
You can find out more about our plans for a wellbeing economy and community wealth building, the Clackmannanshire Alliance and our existing Local Outcomes Improvement Plan on the Council's website.