Published on:
August 2022
Over 5300 households in Clackmannanshire will be in line for one-off £100 payment to help ease the burden of the rising cost of living.
The Clackmannanshire Low Income Payment will provide £100 to households who, at the 1st July 2022, were either in receipt of Council Tax Reduction or were exempt from Council Tax because all residents were either severely mentally impaired, under 18 years of age, providing/receiving care elsewhere or care leavers.
Those eligible for this payment will be contacted by the Council with the intention that households will start to receive payment in October.
The payment has been made possible as part of a package of funding from the Scottish Government to support local economic recovery and reduce cost of living impacts on low-income households.
A further £170,000 local business support fund to help local businesses with their growth plans and our two local Business Improvement Districts - Alloa First and Clacks First - with their marketing and events programmes, will also be made available as part of this funding package.
Leader of Clackmannanshire Council, Councillor Ellen Forson, said: “We are grateful for this additional funding to support our households and businesses to navigate the cost of living crisis and recover from the effects of the pandemic.
“This funding firmly aligns with local priorities and I believe it will go a little way to mitigate the stress of what could be a very difficult winter.”
Local businesses interested in the Local Economic Business Support Fund should contact the Council’s Economic Development Team in the first instance.