The meeting is a public meeting, which is being held face-to-face in the Council Chamber, Kilncraigs, Alloa. If you wish to attend virtually (please note you cannot be seen or heard), then please click on the "Register Here to Attend Meeting" link above to register to attend (or copy and paste the link below into a browser of your choice).,-7E-glAHfEy8EM-jMxWWTQ,_wxm5HoGJE6cmSvfLTLaoA,-l6r_DJmj0y3CcoPuPGoOw,lFekAj-R20-owB37-qgNfA,LZcORO4WOE-EgGANyIr3hA?mode=read&tenantId=ae8c4625-6448-4d14-b856-67b7e052d4b0
Resources and Governance - Legal Services
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000